SmartPoi Code Dump!

2020 is the future! In the future I want to have many projects complete and be working on something new. So here is the everything I have been working on for the past few years, all in one go. Is this complete? You tell me!

I have uploaded the code to github, and some programs to my site, all is explained, although possibly in a rather rushed way.

Significant things which I have finally open-sourced (as promised) are the Android App (for streaming images and patterns to the poi), the full firmware for ESP8266, the circuit and PCB I used, CAD files for 3d printing and more.

Still to come is the code for uploading the backup images to the poi (an old windows .exe is available for now).

To read about how all of these programs work together check out the SmartPoi menu option above, which include the following 3 new pages:

    – description and code for android controller app
    – PCB, breadboard, parts and CAD files to make the hardware
    – ESP8266 code and description

If anyone is interested in making their own streaming poi all of the parts are linked.

Affiliate links are included on this website. Please support my future projects! Another way to support my work, and help yourself to free stuff at the same time, is to check out DigitalOcean with their promotional 2 months free hosting. If you haven’t yet heard of them, they are the best and cheapest virtual server on the market right now, use the link!

If you are trying to make the poi please consider signing up to the mailing list, I am emailing updates to quite a few interested parties right now. No spam, just updates. In the last two years there have been only four emails, so not a whole lot…


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