I just uploaded a full walkthrough of the updates to YouTube. Some functionality is not obvious, but the uploads are faster, and connection is more reliable. Overall I am quite proud of this version.
Next up: port the improvements over to the Android App.
To support my ongoing work on the SmartPoi and Magic Poi projects (and to help me save up for a new Microphone!) please consider contributing to my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/c/CircusScientist.
Shout out to Flávio from my Patreon, this one is for you!
Special Notice:
In the next month or so all of my paid subscribers over on Patreon are going to receive a surprise. I have something that nobody has done before (I checked) but I’m keeping it for them, so now is a good time if you like poi and making stuff, go ahead and join up.