Building 10 websites at once using AI

Using Aider AI coding assistant and Deepseek api I got 10 usable websites made in about 30 minutes. This is just a test of what is possible with AI coding – the only things I did on the websites in the video was add a few images to make them work.

To have your website created and hosted with the help of AI visit – obviously if you pay me I will do it properly!

I think above all this video demonstrates that AI is a tool, but needs proper guidance to get it right.

The Details

I made a script which used Aider:

*I found the problem I had in the video now – no mention of image file format!

set -eo pipefail                                                                                                                                                                                                 
shopt -s nullglob
 # Configure Deepseek API                                                                                                                                                                                         
 export AIDER_MODEL="deepseek/deepseek-reasoner"
 export DEEPSEEK_API_KEY="$DEEPSEEK_API_KEY"                                                                                                                                                                
 # Process each website folder                                                                                                                                                                                    
 for dir in */ ; do                                                                                                                                                                                               
         echo "Building website in: $dir"                                                                                                                                                                         
         # Use aider to build website from brief.txt (paths relative to git root)                                                                                                                                                              
         aider --yes-always --no-auto-commits --no-stream --message "$(printf "Make a website (or improve the existing site) using the following instructions. Make sure to use only the images in images folder (they are always named img img1 img2 etc) when building the site. If any other images are referenced, remove them. Do not leave the website unfinished, add placeholder content where an unfinished element would be always. \n\n%s" "$(cat "${dir}brief.txt")")"  "${dir}index.html" "${dir}script.js"  "${dir}styles.css" "${images[@]}"
 echo "All 10 websites built successfully!" 

This used in particular the brief.txt in each website folder. here is an example from the video:

Custom Candle Maker: Wants a moody, scent-driven design with a product carousel, an ingredient transparency section, and a "Build Your Candle" form (wax type, fragrance, color). Mentioned competitors using "slow-motion pour videos" but prefers static images to save costs.

The 10 prompts were made using Deepseek chatbot, which I asked to create customer requirements for the 10 videos – with variety.


The AI does a good job but needs a lot more information than the vague short prompts I actually gave it. In a real-world scenario with an actual customer I would most likely be much more specific, with better results no doubt.

It was fun to watch, however!

I cloned ChatGPT Operator using DeepSeek R1

Operator is in the news – one of my friends recently shared a video of someone using it to buy stuff online. It runs on ChatGPT 01 or 03 reasoning model. DeepSeek R1 is just as good, right? Let’s clone it!

How I did it

  1. Found a tutorial online
    – of course I’m not the first person to try this
  2. Add the tutorial webpage to Aider context (to send to DeepSeek)
    I did skim it first, looked OK, using cool libraries and stuff
  3. Add some specifications (prompt) and tell DeepSeek to make it for me.
    using Python with Gradio and Browser Use – a way to control Chrome easily with AI.

The result

DeepSeek with Aider’s “Architect mode” did an amazing job. It required some guidance about what exactly I wanted – the tutorial was more of an inspiration than something I wanted to copy exactly. As usual there were errors and I had to spend a few hours asking the AI to debug code – as well as doing it manually on occasion. AI programming is not foolproof and will not replace us in it’s current state – it’s a tool only. A great tool – but only a tool.

I love good tools.

DeepSeek decided that it needed to record it’s progress as a gif, made up of screenshots. I didn’t ask it to do this, and it wasn’t mentioned in the tutorial either.

Here is the slideshow for “Find me the cheapest Android phone on gumtree”. It also returned the results in text format.


It was super fun asking my “DeepSeek Operator” to do something and then watching it click around in the browser, even working out that it had to accept cookies before continuing!

As you can see, the tools for this type of operation exist in the Open Source world already. I think that Agentic AI is almost ready to take over the browser and do a lot of your work for you – if you are willing to trust it. It could be great for research for example.

Having said that, the DeepSeek R1 model was pretty slow via api. I think that may be a problem with reasoning models in general, though. Also, it didn’t find the actual cheapest phone, I did that myself in a few seconds afterwards to double check the result.

What do you think, should I publish my Python powered OpenAI Operator clone to GitHub?


I published it! You need a DeepSeek api key for this to work*

DeepSeek Operator on GitHub

*currently the service is down again, hopefully they will find a way to scale it soon

Boost Your Online Reach: How Multiple Related Websites Can Grow Your Business

Use your industry specific knowledge to create a related website and fill it with your own ADS. Create your own referrals with much less cost than paying for ads. I could go on, but let me start with

An Example

My own business is in the Entertainment Industry. We do high value entertainment which can run to thousands of rands invoiced for a single booking, and our customers often convert to returning customers (we get 50% returning customers on average) – so a single lead can be very valuable, long term. That is why we advertise on Google.

Many years ago we set up a page on our main site, which was in response to all of the enquiries regarding Party Venues. This was a simple service to our customers with our recommendations regarding our favorite venues in the Durban area. This quickly became the most popular page on our site, according to Analytics. Soon after I decided to branch out and create a full website using the initial list – and now this site is getting up to 2000 visitors per month. We get 10-20 referrals from this site which converts to an estimated extra R1000-R10000 per month (guesstimate according to converstion statistics).

Since we were already paying for a web server the actual extra cost is R100 per year for the domain fee (!). Of course I spent a lot of time on the website development – first in WordPress and later Flask (Python) which made it easier to add new venues using a simple spreadsheet which makes it easier for my non-technical partner to do it.


Last year we added since we occasionally do entertainment in that city. This year I am working on another related services website, which will cover related entertainment services. This time we are planning on allowing our friends in the entertainment industry to pay a small fee for preferential placement (once the site gets traction).

Does this apply to your industry?

I am sure you can think of related products and services that you have inside knowledge of which can

  1. Provide informative content for potential customers
  2. Be made into a website which you create and control with your own brand front and foremost

Shameless plug

The years I spent refining this “Related Services” template has given me an unique insight into efficiently building out an effective marketing vehicle for my company – while at the same time offering a valuable service for our customers. At DevSoft, we use AI development tools to speed up, refine and enhance the website creation process. Perhaps the ideas in this blog make sense to you? If so, get in touch!

Changing times

I recently read an article on ZDNet which was talking about the new ChatGPT search and how Google Ads is going to be less relevant in future. The takeaway from that is that your organic web presence is going to be even more relevant, if paying for search placement becomes less effective. I did a test with the new ChatGPT search and “Magician for Kids parties in Durban” and “Top 10 Outdoor Party Venues in Durban” both return sites that I own at the top, organically – thankfully due to our SEO.

The article didn’t mention it in but I think social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, etc) are going to be even more important in the future – but you don’t have control over those. Owning your own content and related content is the most important thing in my opinion.

PS: check out the AI Enhanced super commercial version of this blog post here:

SmartPoi AI Podcast Episode 1

The Overview episode:

This episode was generated by AI!

How To:

I used Google NotebookLM for this, and uploaded all of my blog posts and web pages relating to the SmartPoi and Magic Poi projects. Check out this link to learn more (it’s free and really easy to do)

Is it any good?

Well.. It kind of mixed everything up and confused some things but that is possibly not helped by the input. I did like the format, though, and I’m used to robot voices – check out the hacker news recap for a great example.

Also, who doesn’t like flattery? These guys went on for +10 mins about how cool my project is!

SmartPoi Firmware Downloader – made with AI

I made a Flask app from scratch using Aider – the AI coding assistant – and FREE LLM’s.

This is for the SmartPoi Arduino Firmware project – POV Poi, now easier than ever to use, just add your details in and download the custom Arduino sketch.

If you don’t have a big budget to pay for ChatGPT or Claude access it turns out AI coding for free is surprisingly effective. I generate a Flask app from scratch – all the way to deployment – using only free models. I also briefly compare some of the best free ones.

YouTube video of the Aider developent process:

Aider with FREE LLM’s

Some notes:

  • The free LLM’s are rate limited, on OpenRouter at least – so they take longer to load, and do make mistakes sometimes.
  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet is apparently the best?
  • Thinking of trying Aider for yourself? Check out IndyDevDan on YouTube first: – here he explains the “advanced AI workflow” nicely.
  • Thanks to my new Patreon supporter Flavio I will be trying the paid version on the SmartPoi and MagicPoi code bases very soon


Support me on Patreon:

Aider open source code assistant:

OpenRouter – link your LLM’s:

SmartPoi project info: smart poi project page

SmartPoi Downloader app:

SmartPoi Downloader code (with LLM comparison):

Note: While recording I forgot the name of the best paid LLM for coding: Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 as of record date. Join my patreon to help pay for my AI addiction and subscribe to the channel for more video’s!


I am getting the best results lately from aider –model gemini/gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0827 – currently free with sign-up to google.

AIDER LEADERBOARD (best performing models)

Introducing MagicPoi Alpha

TLDR: Magic Poi Alpha is getting test circuit boards, new firmware which works with the new web service and development is being accelerated by AI. At the end I ask for money to fund the AI coding assistant – via my Patreon Account.

Major updates to the Magic Poi project:


  • ESP32 S3 chip
  • Buttons
  • 2020 size LED’s for more pixels
  • Lithium battery
  • Full housing re-design


  • OTA programming
  • Dual Core with FreeRTOS background processes (downloading images won’t interfere with display)
  • Streaming from web functionality
  • Full integration with magicpoi web service API but works offline
  • Any number of LED’s supported
  • Timed events supported

Instagram video of magicpoi breadboard in action:


  • Friends – share with friends (working on this now)
  • Products – currently legacy 36px, 72px and new 200px with more to be supported.
  • Image classification with AI on upload
  • Moved back-end data to PostgreSQL for scaling purposes
  • Actually complete re-write of the whole thing (old version online at, new version to be hosted at soon)
Adding friends to the new alpha version


Firmware and Web Service are moving forward really fast now – recently I moved over to Cursor IDE, the AI based IDE that’s so easy to use my kid loves it:

There have been some challenges – recently I found out that the new ESP32 boards I bought aren’t even fully supported by PlatformIO – but I found a way to work around that.

Ultimately I want MagicPoi to work seamlessly. Add your friends on the web dashboard, create some timelines and push a button on your poi to sync everything up.


The first test board is coming out soon. The design is finished, using EasyEDA. We will be sending the board for production by JLPCB in the very near future – look out for an update.

After that it’s on to the poi body full re-design and finally Indigogo when you will be able to purchase the very first Magic Poi.

You can help!

If you want to be a part of MagicPoi development and the road to the Alpha production line, you can. I have started a Patreon to fund my AI dev tool and services addiction* as well as web hosting costs** – until we have something to sell that is. A few dollars per month from you would really help make this thing go faster. Also, anyone who signs up will get some exclusive discounts on the finished product.

*Go check out Cursor IDE and also the open source Aider they are so worth it.

**I’m spending $25 per month on hosting, $20 per month on AI coding tools and of course my friends over at EnterAction are putting up their own money to do the prototypes.

Feel free to reach out to me and don’t forget to subscribe to the magicpoi mailing list if you haven’t already.


Sign up for our update alerts:

My 10 year old son made an Android Game with no coding experience

Recently I have been trying out cursor IDE – based on VSCode.

My verdict is: it’s magic. After trying out several others including Github Co-pilot, I have to say that in my opinion this is the future of coding. It’s so easy that after I set it up for him, my son spent a few happy hours prompting his way to a really fun Android game, without writing a single line of code*. You can download and and try it yourself! I especially love level 2 where you have to fight poop emoji’s – fire at will! Just be ready for level 3 where a bug new feature means you can’t fire, and have to collect powerups and ram the enemy ships.

*OK I helped with the image files and debugging, compiling for Android etc..

The future of coding is awesome. That’s why I have now made a patreon account, where you can support my AI addiction – unfortunately cursor and other services I love to use are not free. Help me by subscribing with a few bucks please! I promise every cent will be spent on products and services to improve my open source code (currently focused on finishing the awesome Magic Poi)