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Processing and Makey Makey – animal cut-out touch game.

Cut-out cardboard figures which when touched make the sound and produce an image on the computer screen. Great for very small kids.


Processing Code:

Animal Silhouettes:

  • print on paper, stick to card, and cut out shapes
  • then either paint with conductive paint or just colour in using a graphite pencil. You can test conductivity using a multimeter.

Setup and usage:

  1. Plug in the Makey-Makey, run the Processing sketch and connect the jumpers to the cardboard cut-out animals (I used the included crocodile clips and jumpers in series for this)
  2. One crocodile clip needs to go to ground, then hold that and touch the cut-outs. If you are playing with a small child, you just need to touch them and the grounded crocodile clip to complete the circuit.
  3. Depending on your computing platform, you may need to adjust the port in the code in order for this to work. Notes are in the code
  4. Check out or check in on this site again soon for more fun with this great learning board.

If you don’t have a makey-makey, you can still have fun with this sketch by pressing the trigger keys, “a s d f g w e” and seeing what they do.